Projection installation by Vadim Epshtein on the facade of the former Mayak factory. Nizhny Novgorod. 2019

Team: Alexander Istomin, Anton Kolodyazhny, Andrei Tuboltsev, Ksenia Chekhovskaya, Denis Chuchko

12 city venues, Nizhny Novgorod

12.04.2019 — 15.04.2019

INTERVALS 2019 was an international media art festival founded by the dreamlaser. studio to promote and popularize art and the latest technologies, as well as the accumulation of historical and cultural urban spaces by means of contemporary art. 2019 saw the festival held for the first time on a citywide scale. Light, kinetic, audio and video installations were presented at 12 city sites — both inside buildings and on their facades. Apart from institutions already well-known to the local citizens, the festival also involved abandoned industrial spaces and unique historical and architectural monuments that have been excluded from the daily life of the city. In addition to the importance of individual objects, INTERVALS 2019 revealed the variety of urban routes along which viewers moved from one art project to another. The festival was accompanied by an extensive musical and educational programme, featuring audio-visual performances and concerts, lectures, artist talks and master classes.