Photographic documentation of the DVR art group’s project “Blissful Spring”. Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok. 2019

Project “Blissful Spring”

Zarya Centre for Contemporary Art, Vladivostok

02.03.2019 — 26.05.2019

The punk-romantic art group “DVR” (standing in Russian for Dalnevostochnyye razluchnitsy or “Far-Eastern Homewreckers”) appeared in Vladivostok in 2016. At first, DVR acted as a musical group, but then went on to turn more towards interdisciplinary practices that combine music, poetry, performance and action. DVR’s performances took place at a variety of city venues — at museums and clubs, in apartments, and on the streets. The aesthetics of interaction lies at the heart of DVR’s creative method; artists, poets, musicians and spectators are invited to participate in their performative projects. The “Blissful Spring” exhibition was designed to be a protracted performance, with a programme that was divided into several thematic cycles, each lasting from one day to several weeks in length. Each cycle included performative events in which invited guests and exhibition visitors were co-participants. The exposition gradually became “overgrown” with artefacts — fragments of scenery, installations and objects used in the performances of each cycle.